ICT Initiatives

ICT and DCE Website

Convener      :         Smt. Binu Mol T.V, Asst.Prof.of Computer Science


Kerala State Higher Education Council KSHEC 


Link of free On -line resources

Do Electronics Lab Here   https://www.vlab.co.in/


ICT Initiatives of MHRD


S.No. Resource For students/Researchers For Institutions
Audio-Video e-content
1 SWAYAM: Massive Open Online Courses Earn credit through online courses – Encourage your extraordinary faculty to develop online courses
– Accept credits awarded under SWAYAM
– Form SWAYAM local chapters
2 SWAYAMPRABHA: View digital courses on TV Watch high quality educational programs 24*7 Provide facility for viewing SWAYAMPRABHA content
Digital content: access journals and e-books
1 National Digital Library: e-content Access e-content on multiple disciplines – Get your E-content listed
– Form NDL Club
2 e-PG Pathshala: Gateway for e-books upto PG Get free books and curriculum-based e-content Host e-books
3 Shodhganga: A reservoir of Indian Theses Access Research Theses of scholars of Indian Institutes Get research theses of your scholars to get listed on Shodhganga
4 e-ShodhSindhu: e-journals Get access to full text e-resources Get access to full-text e-resources
Accelerated Hands on learning
1 e-Yantra: Engineering for better tomorrow Get hands on experience on embedded systems Create e-Yantra labs for training in embedded systems in collaboration with IIT Bombay
2 FOSSEE: Free/Libre and Open Source Software for Education – Access and volunteer for the use of open source software
– Become FOSSEE fellow
Run labs in open source
3 Spoken Tutorial: Tutorial in IT application Self-training in IT fields Encourage eminent faculty to provide training content for self-learning
4 Virtual Labs: Web-enabled experiments designed for remote – operation Try curriculum based virtual experiments Develop virtual experiments for Virtual labs suited to course curriculum in gap areas
 An in-depth awareness on the  online and offline facilities, various committees and clubs  and all type of services and ICT initiatives were provided in this one hour webinar  “An insight into KKTM Govt College website & ICT Initiatives” on 15-7-23.16 participants (8teachers and 8 students)participated in the program.

20 participants participated in the program. 4 students registered in ILM.

All the 48 faculties of the college participated in the Faculty Development Programme – Institutional training programme on online hands on training on LMS MOODLE   conducted on 23rd June 2022 to 28th June 2022  organized by Kerala State Higher Education Council.
FDP Certificates  provided to all.

certificate FDP of Moodle based LMS and course Design MergedPDF23to28june2022


KSHEC IT survey  conducted and submitted report on July 29th 2021.

The Kerala State Higher Education Councilsubmission Report 29-07-2021 IT Survey


The DCE Website nodal officer Smt. Binu Mol T.V ,Asst.Prof.of Computer Science has implemented this new site given by DCE from 27.05.2020 and the domain http:\\govtkktmcollege.ac.in  was  provided  by the  Department of Collegiate Education  from 30.08.2020 .All the resources availed in our already existing website has been made available in this new website with more student supporting  information’s  like course details ,details of research department , Calicut university information, ICT initiatives of MHRD, Library information and is continuously getting updated with the events happening in this pandemic period in our college.
The ICT convener took a webinar on Virtual Teaching  on 23/07/2020  at 2pm on the topics Google Meet and Google Classroom(LMS) exclusively for the teachers in our college.
26 Teachers attended the webinar on Virtual Teaching .The webinar focused on Google Meet, Google classroom,its various functions, Scheduling events, and Jamboard and also how to conduct exam.
  The guidelines for conducting Online internal exam and online classes and the orders of MHRD and UGC  for ICT initiatives is given for circulation among teachers and for file for further action during the first lockdown happened in March 21,2020.click the below link to see guidelines.

1-ICT Guidelines for conducting online internal exams and govt and MHRDorders