
Convener : Dr. Sabna., Asst. Prof of Mathematics



Scholarship and freeship governmental 2022-23

Central sector + post matric (minorities)

CH Mohammed Koya

Indira, beedi, lakshwadweep

Post matric general

Post matric OBC

Post matric OBH

Post matric OEC

Post matric SC

Post matric ST

state merit

suvarna jubilee

Scholarship and freeship institutional

Dept of Botany

Dept of Chemistry

Dept of History

Dept of Malayalam

Dept of Maths

Dept of Physics

Dept of Zoology

PTA endowment final


scholarships 2020-21 5.1.1 to5.1.2

Internal Quality Assurance Cell
K.K.T.M Govt. College, Pullut
Scholarship Cell Report 2020-2021
Number of students benefited by scholarships and free ships provided by the Government during the year 2020-2021
Year – 2020-2021 Total number of scholarships – 60
Name of Scheme No. of students –Fresh 20-21 No. of Students-Renewal 20-21
Central sector scholarship 1 6
Post metric scholarship 13 12
Post metric scholarship with disabilities 1 1
Suvarna Jubilee scholarship 5 7
Blind Ph scholarship 4 Only apply fresh no renewal application
CH Muhammed Koya 7 3
Number of students benefited by scholarships, free ships provided by the institution/ non government agencies during the year 2020-2021
Year 2020-2021
Number :0
Dhanya Mohan O
Scholarship Cell
K.K.T.M. Govt. College, Pullut