Tech Expo 2023 Album
cs national webinar digital currency 13-12-2022
Report of World Computer Literacy Day Celebration
Webinar on Kubernetes
The Department of Computer Science, KKTM Govt. College, Pullut in association with Dept. of Computer Applications Marian College, Kuttikkanam [Autonomous] organized a webinar on Kubetnetes on 22 January 2022 at 10.30 AM to 12 Noon. Dr. Juby George, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Applications, Marian College Kuttikkanam was the resource person. There are 131 registrations and 107 participants are attended the webinar.
cs Report of Kubernetes Webinar2022
Report of World Computer Literacy Day Celebration
The Department of Computer Science was organized a hands-on training on Office Automation as part of World Computer Literacy Day on 12th December 2021. There were 47 students registered and 20 students were attended the hands-on training. The students of various departments were the beneficiaries of the programme other than computer science.